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Legacy Content

Source Core Rulebook pg. 65 4.0
The below entries contain speakers of Jotun.

Ancestries (1)


Creatures (163)

Adult Black Dragon, Adult Blue Dragon, Adult Cloud Dragon, Adult Omen Dragon, Ainamuuren, Ainamuuren (Corrupted), Aliriel, Ancient Black Dragon, Ancient Blue Dragon, Ancient Cloud Dragon, Ancient Gold Dragon, Ancient Green Dragon, Ancient Horned Dragon, Ancient Omen Dragon, Ancient Red Dragon, Ancient White Dragon, Annis Hag, Asmerelli, Athach, Barghest, Berberoka, Blackfrost Prophet, Blood Hag, Bloody Hands, Bloomborn Athach, Calcifda, Calikang, Calikang, Castruccio Irovetti, Cave Giant, Cavern Troll, Cephal Lorentus, Cloud Giant, Creeping Crone, Cuckoo Hag, Cyclops, Cyclops Bully, Darg, Desert Giant, Dragonstorm Fire Giant, Einherji, Einherji Host, Ekundayo (Level 6), Endlo Kiver, Fionn, Fire Giant, Fire Yai, Fire-Pot Ubanu, Frost Giant, Frost Troll, Frostripper, Gegnir, General Avinash Jurrg, Gholdako, Gorlak, Grave Hag, Graylok Ambusher, Graylok Artillerist, Graylok Gatebreaker, Great Cyclops, Green Hag, Gromog, Gurija, Halbrux Far-Sight, Hargulka, Hegremon, Hill Giant, Hill Giant Butcher, Horagnamon, Horde Lich, Ice Yai, Ilakni, Ilthuliak, Imeckus Stroon, Irkem Dresh, Irlgaunt, Iron Hag, Iron Taviah, Jaggaki, Jaggedbriar Hag, Jotund Troll, Jubilost Narthropple (Level 1), Jubilost Narthropple (Level 8), Jurgrindor, Kargstaad's Giant, Kob Moleg, Kolbo, Koto Zekora, Kvernknurr, Lerritan, Lorthact, Manifestation Of Dahak, Marsh Giant, Minotaur, Moon Hag, Nightwood Guardian, Nilak, Nishkiv The Knife, Norn, Nornhound, Ogre Boss, Ogre Glutton, Ogre Hurler, Ogre Warrior, Onidoshi, Ordulf Bladecaller, Plague Giant, Ravener, Remnant of Barzillai, Remorhaz, Rezatha, Rune Giant, Rust Hag, Rusty Mae, Saint Fang, Scarhorn, Sea Hag, Seething Spirit, Shadow Giant, Shadow Giant, Shadow Yai, Shaldar Falls-Far, Smog Giant, Sonnorae, Stone Giant, Storm Giant, Storm Hag, Stygira, Svarýr Commander, Svarýr Soldier, Sweet Hag, Taiga Giant, Taiga Yai, Tatterthread, Temperbrand, Tenebric Giant, The First Blade, The Horned Hunter, The Knurly Witch, The Misbegotten Troll, Theiltemar, Tomb Giant, Tombstone Troll, Troll, Troll Guard, Troll King, Tulvak, Two-Headed Troll, Valkyrie, Valkyrie Tempest, Vampire Taviah, Vehanezhad, Viewslog, Volodmyra, Vordakai, Voricose, Water Yai, Wendigo, Winter Hag, Winter Wolf, Wood Giant, Yana No-Trail, Zalavexus

Regions (1)

Saga Lands