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Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 34
Unspecific Lore: DC 32
Specific Lore: DC 29

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak ZridiCreature 7

Legacy Content

Unique NE Medium Div Fiend 
Source The Enmity Cycle pg. 49
Female pairaka
Perception +14; greater darkvision
Languages Daemonic, Osiriani; telepathy 100 feet
Skills Acrobatics +13, Arcana +12, Deception +19, Diplomacy +19, Intimidation +15, Religion +12, Society +12, Stealth +15
Str +3, Dex +5, Con +3, Int +3, Wis +4, Cha +7
Items horn of fog
AC 24; Fort +11, Ref +15, Will +16; +1 status to all saves vs. magic
HP 105; Immunities disease; Weaknesses cold iron 6, good 6
Hatred of Red Pairakas hate the color red. Zridi won't wear the color or willingly enter any place painted red. Given a choice, she'll attack a creature wearing red first. If barred from expressing her displeasure toward the color by force or some magical effect, she takes 2d6 mental damage at the end of her turn.
Speed 25 feet, fly 35 feet
Melee [one-action] claw +16 [+12/+8] (agile, evil, finesse, magical), Damage 2d8-2+7 slashing plus 1d6 evil and bubonic plagueDivine Innate Spells DC 24 (-4 dmg); 4th charm (at will), dimension door (at will), misdirection (at will; self only), outcast's curse (at will), suggestion (at will); Cantrips (4th) detect magic
Rituals DC 24 (-4 dmg); 1st div pact
Bubonic Plague (disease) A creature can't remove the fatigued condition while infected; Saving Throw DC 22 Fortitude; Onset 1 day; Stage 1 fatigued (1 day); Stage 2 enfeebled 2 and fatigued (1 day); Stage 3 enfeebled 3, fatigued, and take 1d6 persistent bleed damage every 1d20 minutes (1 day)Change Shape [one-action] (divine, concentrate, polymorph, transmutation) Zridi can take the appearance of any Small or Medium humanoid or animal. This doesn't change her Speed or her attack and damage modifiers with the Strikes, but it might change the damage type her Strikes deal.Compelled Performance [two-actions] (divine, emotion, enchantment, mental) Frequency once per day; Effect Zridi grants the target a +2 status bonus to Performance checks for one week. The target must attempt a DC 24 Will save.
Critical Success No further effect.
Success The target must Perform for 1 action on its next turn.
Failure The target must Perform for 3 actions on its next turn, undertaking a Performance task set by Zridi.
Critical Failure As failure, but Zridi can choose to delay the effect and trigger it at any point in the next week as a reaction.
Tormenting Dreams [two-actions] (divine, emotion, enchantment, mental) Frequency once per day; Effect Zridi torments a sleeping creature within 100 feet with visions of betrayals by loved ones and friends. The target must attempt a DC 24 Will save, with the effects of the nightmare spell.