Actions | Activities

Manage Trade Agreements

Commerce Downtime 
Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 529
You send agents out to attend to established trade agreements. Spend 2 RP per Trade Agreement you wish to manage. Then attempt a basic check. If you Managed Trade Agreements on the previous turn, increase this DC by 5.

Critical Success At the start of your next Kingdom turn, you gain 1 bonus Resource Die per trade agreement, and 1 Commodity of your choice per trade agreement (no more than half of these Commodities may be Luxuries).
Success As critical success, but you must choose between gaining Resource Dice or Commodities.
Failure You gain 1 RP per trade agreement at the start of your next turn.
Critical Failure You gain no benefit, as your traders and merchants met with bad luck on the road. You can't Manage Trade Agreements for 1 Kingdom turn.