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PFS StandardNyogoth

Little more than a coiled mass of intestines encircling a massive gaping maw, this qlippoth is an Abyssal scavenger, subsisting on the filth and leftovers of demons and qlippoth alike, although it relishes any opportunity to consume living prey. Despite this seeming lowly role in the Abyssal ecosystem, a nyogoth is far from a stupid beast and can orchestrate cunning ambushes to secure its next meal.

Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 29
Unspecific Lore: DC 27
Specific Lore: DC 24

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak NyogothCreature 9

Legacy Content

Uncommon CE Medium Fiend Qlippoth 
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 214 2.0
Perception +17; darkvision
Languages Abyssal; telepathy 100 ft.
Skills Acrobatics +19, Athletics +19, Intimidation +17, Occultism +14, Stealth +19
Str +7, Dex +5, Con +6, Int +0, Wis +5, Cha +3
AC 27; Fort +18, Ref +17, Will +14
HP 155; Immunities acid, controlled, fear; Resistances mental 10; physical 10 (except cold iron); Weaknesses lawful 10
Caustic Blood [reaction] Trigger The nyogoth takes piercing or slashing damage; Effect The nyogoth sprays its acidic blood on adjacent creatures, dealing 6d6 acid damage (DC 27 basic Reflex save).
Speed 5 feet, fly 25 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +21 [+16/+11] (chaotic, magical), Damage 2d6-2+13 piercing plus 2d6-2 acid, 1d6 chaotic, and GrabMelee [one-action] tentacle mouth +21 [+17/+13] (agile, chaotic, magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6-2+13 piercing plus 1d6 acid, 1d6 chaotic, and GrabOccult Innate Spells DC 24, attack +18 (-4 dmg); 5th cloudkill; 4th acid arrow (at will), dimension door; 3rd fear (at will)
Feeding Frenzy [one-action] Requirement The nyogoth has grabbed a creature; Effect The nyogoth slavers and chews at the grabbed creature, dealing 2d6+7 slashing and 1d6 acid damage (DC 27 basic Fortitude save).Nauseating Display [two-actions] (concentrate, emotion, enchantment, fear, incapacitation, mental, occult, visual) The nyogoth untangles its tentacles and prolapses its many mouths, turning itself inside out in a truly nauseating display. Creatures in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a DC 27 Will save, after which they are temporarily immune to further Nauseating Displays for 1 minute.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is sickened 1.
Failure The creature is stunned 3 and sickened 1.
Critical Failure The creature is stunned 5 and sickened 2.

All Monsters in "Qlippoth"

Gongorinan (Brood Qlippoth)11
Vlorian Cythnigot3


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 212 2.0
Long before the creatures known as demons came to be the dominant force in the Abyss, qlippoth ruled the Outer Rifts. These inimical creatures are a form of primordial and alien evil that predates mortal life, and most immortal life as well. Since the rise of mortal sin and the associated expansion of demonic life through the Abyss, qlippoth have been driven to the deepest reaches of the Abyss, and they seethe with rancor at the loss of their realms. Yet rather than directly oppose demons, qlippoth instead turn to the source—mortal sin—and wage an endless war to eradicate all creatures capable of sinful acts so that the demonic tide might be turned back.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Other Qlippoth

The qlippoth presented here are but a small fraction of the squirming awfulness that lurks in the deeper rifts of the Abyss. Other types of qlippoth include multi-armed, crab-like gongorinans, which use living creatures as incubators; shapeshifting utukku, which infiltrate and undermine religions; death-spawned behimirons, which slay the living to reproduce; and the living siege engines known as catabolignes. Yet most frightening of all is the immense iathavos, a monster so abhorrent that even the Abyss cannot bear to allow more than one to exist at any one time.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Qlippoth and Demons

Qlippoth ruled the Abyss for eons and still see themselves as its rightful rulers. When the Abyss first began to spawn demons from the souls of sinful humanoids, the realm was plunged into a brutal war spanning untold millennia, in which qlippoth, though more powerful and established, were slowly but surely driven back by the endless demonic hordes who spawned far more quickly than qlippoth could ever hope to match. Today, qlippoth have been driven to the deepest, darkest corners of the Abyss where they cling tightly to the crumbling remains of their territory.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Qlippoth and Mortals

As qlippoth lost territory to their demonic rivals, they realized that the only way to stem the tide of demonic forces was to starve them of the sinful souls that the Abyss uses to spawn new demons. While qlippoth have no concept of how they might go about preventing sin by changing the way mortals act, they do understand that exterminating mortal life would solve the problem as well.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Qlippoth Lords

The most powerful qlippoth are quasi-deities themselves, ancient entities only rarely worshipped by non-qlippoth. Of these monstrous divinities, the Polymorph Plague, Yamasoth, is the most well-known. Others include Chavazvug the Crawling Inferno, Isph-Aun-Vuln the Feaster Within, and Thuskchoon the Everglutton.

Sidebar - Locations Qlippoth Realms

Although it is widely accepted that qlippoth have lost incalculable territory in the Abyss to demonkind, these fiends still control vast regions in the deepest reaches of that plane. Some sages suggest the troubling possibility that perhaps qlippoth still hold more territory of the Abyss than demons do, but because demons are more concerned with mortal life, we simply interact with the layers they control more often. For all we know, these dour sages postulate, the Abyss teems with endless swarms of qlippoth that have yet to make their move against mortal life.