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Chapter 6: Equipment / Gear

Alchemical Gear

Source Player Core pg. 292 2.0
The items listed on the Alchemical Gear table are the most widely available alchemical items on Golarion, which a 1st-level character could likely access. Each item’s full entry appears in GM Core. Your GM might allow you to start with other alchemical items from there on a case-by-case basis.

Alchemical Bombs

Source Player Core pg. 292 2.0
Alchemical bombs are consumable weapons that deal damage or produce special effects, and they sometimes deal splash damage. You throw a bomb as a ranged Strike. It's a martial ranged weapon with a range increment of 20 feet and can't benefit from runes since it's a consumable.

A bomb deals any listed splash damage to the target on a failure, success, or critical success, and to all other creatures within 5 feet of the target on a success or critical success. Add the damage together before applying resistance or weakness, and don't multiply splash damage on a critical hit.


Source Player Core pg. 293 2.0
Elixirs are alchemical items you drink with a single action that has the manipulate trait, gaining the listed benefit.

Alchemical Tools

Source Player Core pg. 293 2.0
Alchemical tools are a type of alchemical item you use, rather than drink or throw. They all have the alchemical and consumable traits.