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The Watching LordsHazard 8

Legacy Content

Uncommon Magical Trap 
Source Pathfinder #200: Seven Dooms for Sandpoint pg. 104
Complexity Complex
Stealth DC 28 (trained)
Description The demigod statues in the alcoves seem to shift, their heads turning to watch as intruders pass by.
Disable Thievery DC 31 (to scrape away hidden runes that grant the statues the ability to watch), Religion DC 28 (to pray for protection from the attention of Abyssal lords), or dispel magic (4th level; counteract DC 26) to counteract the trap
Conjure the Guardians [reaction] (conjuration) Trigger A non-chaotic-evil creature approaches within 20 feet of the doors to area G4; Effect The statues appear to hiss and growl, and a moment later, four brimorak demons appear in the hallway—two near the entrance to area G1, and two near the entrance to area G4. The four demons attack at once, rolling initiative as normal. They fight to the death, but vanish after 1 minute has passed.
Reset Once the Watching Lords are triggered, the trap needs an hour to recharge its energies, after which point it can be triggered again.