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Appendix 2: Kingdoms / Kingdom Skills

Skill Descriptions

Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 517
The following entries describe each Kingdom skill activity. General skill activities (activities that are associated with multiple skills) are listed first. After that, activities are grouped by the skill they use. Each skill grouping begins with the name of the skill, followed in parentheses by that skill's key ability. Then a brief description of the skill is provided. Within each skill grouping, untrained activities (activities that can be used even if the kingdom doesn't have proficiency ranks in the associated skill) are listed before trained activities (activities that cannot be used until the kingdom has at least the trained proficiency rank in the associated skill).

In each entry, the name of each activity is followed by a list of its traits, with the most notable being Civic, Commerce, Leadership, Region, and Upkeep. Activities can be undertaken only during the steps of the Activity phase that correspond with these traits. The trait list is followed by a description of the action(s) that must be completed to undertake the activity, including (but not limited to) a skill check. Each entry ends with a list of possible results for the skill check and any additional information unique to that activity.

Some of these activities require the expenditure or generation of resources, using the kingdom's Resource Dice and its resource points (RP).