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Player Core

Chapter 4: Skills

Source Player Core pg. 225 2.0
While your character's attributes represent their raw talent and potential, skills represent their training and experience at performing certain tasks. Each skill is keyed to one of your character's attributes and used for an array of related actions. Your character's expertise in a skill comes from several sources, including their background and class. In this chapter, you'll learn about skills, their scope, and the actions they can be used for.

A character's acumen in skills can come from all sorts of training, from practicing acrobatic tricks to studying academic topics to rehearsing a performing art. When you create your character and as they advance in level, you have flexibility as to which skills they become better at and when. Some classes depend heavily on certain skills—such as the bard's reliance on Performance—but for most classes, you can choose whichever skills make the most sense for your character's theme and backstory at 1st level, then use their adventure and downtime experiences to inform how their skills should improve as your character levels up.

A character gains training in certain skills at 1st level: typically two from their background, a small number of predetermined skills from their class, and several skills of your choice granted by their class. This training increases your proficiency ranks for those skills to trained instead of untrained and lets you use more of the skills' actions. Sometimes you might become trained in the same skill from multiple sources, such as if your background granted training in Survival and you took the ranger class, which also grants training in Survival. Each time after the first that you'd become trained in a given skill, you instead allocate the trained proficiency to any other skill of your choice—though if the skill is a Lore skill, the new skill must also be a Lore skill.

Key Attribute

Source Player Core pg. 225 2.0
Each skill is tied to a key attribute. You add your modifier for this attribute to checks and DCs when using that skill. For example, skulking about the shadows of a city at night with Stealth uses your Dexterity modifier, navigating the myriad personalities and power plays of court politics with Society uses your Intelligence modifier, and so on. The key attribute for each skill is listed on the Skills, Key Attributes, and Actions table on page 227 and also appears in parentheses following the skill’s name in the descriptions on the following pages. If the GM deems it appropriate for a certain situation, however, they might have you use a different attribute modifier for a skill check or when determining your skill DC.

Skill Actions

Source Player Core pg. 225 2.0
The actions you can perform with a given skill are sorted into those you can use untrained and those that require you to be trained in the skill, as shown on the Skills, Key Attributes, and Actions table (page 227). The untrained and trained actions of each skill appear in separate sections within the skill's description.

Anyone can use a skill's untrained actions, but you can use trained actions only if you have a proficiency rank of trained or better in that skill. A circumstance, condition, or effect might bar you from a skill action regardless of your proficiency rank, and sometimes using a skill in a specific situation might require you to have a higher proficiency rank than what is listed on the table. For instance, even though a fighter untrained in Arcana could identify a construct with a lucky roll using Arcana to Recall Knowledge, the GM might decide that Recalling Knowledge to determine the spells used to create such a construct is beyond the scope of the fighter's anecdotal knowledge. The GM decides whether a task requires a particular proficiency rank.

Skill Checks and DCs

Source Player Core pg. 226 2.0
When you're actively using a skill, often by performing one of its actions, you might attempt a skill check: rolling a d20 and adding your skill modifier. To determine this modifier, add your attribute modifier for the skill's key attribute, your proficiency bonus for the skill, and any other bonuses and penalties.

Skill modifier = skill's key attribute modifier + proficiency bonus + other bonuses + penalties

When noting the modifier on your character sheet, you should write down only the numbers that always apply— typically just your attribute modifier and proficiency bonus at 1st level. At higher levels, you may wear or use items to improve your skills with item bonuses pretty much all the time; you should include those in your calculation, too.

The GM sets the DC of a skill check, using the GM Core guidelines . The DCs you're most likely to encounter frequently are the five simple skill DCs below, which are presented here to give you a sense of what number you'll need to roll to succeed at most tasks.

Simple Skill DC

Task DifficultySimple DC

When someone or something tests your skill, they attempt a check against your skill DC, which is equal to 10 plus your skill modifier. A skill DC works like any other DC to determine the effect of an opposing creature's skill action.

See page 400 in Chapter 8: Playing the Game for more information about modifiers, bonuses, and penalties.

Armor and Skills

Source Player Core pg. 226 2.0
Some armor imposes a penalty on specific skill checks and DCs. If a creature is wearing armor that imparts a skill penalty, that penalty is applied to the creature’s Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks and skill DCs, unless the action has the attack trait. Check penalties from armor are detailed here.

Secret Checks

Source Player Core pg. 226 2.0
Sometimes you won’t know whether you have succeeded at a skill check. If an action has the secret trait, the GM rolls the check for you and informs you of the effect without revealing the result of the roll or the degree of success. The GM rolls secret checks when your knowledge about the outcome is imperfect, like when you’re searching for a hidden creature or object, attempting to deceive someone, translating a tricky bit of ancient text, or remembering some piece of lore. This way, you as the player don’t know things that your character wouldn’t. This rule is the default for actions with the secret trait, but the GM can choose not to use secret checks if they would rather some or all rolls be public.

Exploration and Downtime Activities

Source Player Core pg. 226 2.0
Some skill activities have the exploration or downtime trait. Exploration activities usually take a minute or more, while downtime activities may take a day or more. They usually can’t be used during an encounter, though the GM might bend this restriction. If you’re not sure whether you have the time to use one of these activities, ask your GM.

General Skill Actions

Source Player Core pg. 228 2.0
General skill actions are skill actions that can be used with multiple different skills. When you use a general skill action, you might use your modifier from any skill that lists it as one of the skill’s actions, depending on the situation.