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Howl of the Wild

Grafting Rules

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 97 2.1
Grafts are living tissues that are implanted into a host, where they integrate with the hosts’ native biology. To implant a graft, you must be an expert in Medicine and have the appropriate formula. Graft formulas can be purchased as outlined in the formulas rules.

You can take the Graft Technician feat to implant grafts.

Implanting a Graft

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 97 2.1
Implanting a graft is a downtime activity, using the same rules as Crafting an item except as follows. The grafter uses the Medicine skill to affix the foreign organ to the willing subject, who must be present throughout the process. The grafter can implant only one graft at a time. Once the grafting process is complete, the implanted subject can begin using the graft. Grafts can be created from scratch, though they typically require specialized storage conditions, such as a tank of alchemical fluid, to remain viable outside of a host.

Damaging a Graft

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 97 2.1
Once a graft is accepted, it becomes part of the subject’s body and can’t take damage separately, just like any natural body part. If a graft is ever severed from the subject’s body, it can be reconnected by any method that allows a severed body part to be reattached (such as the regenerate spell). If the graft is destroyed before it can be reattached, the subject typically can’t restore it.

The Graft Trait

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 97 2.1
A graft has the graft trait. Items with this trait are permanently affixed to the subject’s body and reduce the number of items a creature can invest each day by 1. Each graft has the invested trait to indicate this limitation; a graft is equivalent to a magical item that the subject has no choice but to invest.

If a creature gets a new graft when their limit on invested items has already been reduced to zero, the graft fails to provide benefits. The graft’s abilities will take effect the next time the creature’s limit on invested items is greater than zero. A grafter can replace an existing graft during the implantation process or upgrade a graft into its greater version just like when Crafting a greater version of an item.