Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Gnome Details | Gnome Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats | Gnome Heritages

PFS StandardWellspring Gnome

Source Player Core pg. 51 2.0
Some other source of magic has a greater hold on you than the primal magic of your fey lineage does. This connection might come from an occult plane or an ancient occult song; a deity, celestial, or fiend; magical effluent left behind by a mage war; or ancient rune magic.

Choose arcane, divine, or occult. You gain one cantrip from that magical tradition's spell list. You can cast this spell as an innate spell at will, as a spell of your chosen tradition. A cantrip is heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up. Whenever you gain a primal innate spell from a gnome ancestry feat, change its tradition from primal to your chosen tradition.