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Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak GhionoCreature 17

Legacy Content

LN Medium Shadow 
Source Pathfinder #186: Ghost King's Rage pg. 62
Perception +28; darkvision
Languages Aklo, Common, Kelish, Necril, Osiriani, Shae, Undercommon
Skills Acrobatics +33, Deception +35, Diplomacy +33, Occultism +28, Religion +28, Shadow Plane Lore +28, Society +28, Stealth +33
Str +4, Dex +9, Con +5, Int +6, Wis +6, Cha +9
Shadow Shift Being made partially of shadow themselves, shae are concealed in dim light or darkness even to creatures that can see clearly in those light levels.
Items +2 greater striking dagger
AC 39; Fort +25, Ref +31, Will +28
HP 319; Immunities precision; Resistances cold 15, negative 15
Counterattack [reaction] Trigger Ghiono is targeted by an attack from an adjacent creature that misses due to him being concealed; Requirements Ghiono is aware of the attack; Effect Ghiono makes a Strike against the attacker.Slip [reaction] Trigger A creature moves adjacent to Ghiono Effect Ghiono teleports to a clear space adjacent to another creature he can see within 30 feet.
Speed 25 feet, fly 35 feet; swift steps, tenebral form
Melee [one-action] dagger +33 [+29/+25] (agile, finesse, versatile S), Damage 3d4-2+12 piercing plus 4d4 coldRanged [one-action] dagger +31 [+27/+23] (agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S), Damage 1d4-2+12 piercing plus 4d4 coldOccult Innate Spells DC 35 (-4 dmg); 7th plane shift (self only; to Shadow Plane or Material Plane only); 4th gaseous form (at will); Cantrips (9th) chill touch, detect magic
Sneak Attack Ghiono deals an additional 4d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures.Swift Steps Ghiono's movement doesn't trigger reactions.Tenebral Form Ghiono can Fly at full Speed in gaseous form.