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PFS StandardWheelbarrowItem 0

Legacy Content

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 93
Price 5 sp
Hands 2; Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 5
This small, hand-propelled vehicle has a single wheel and is designed to carry large loads over a distance. A wheelbarrow can typically hold up to 5 Bulk of objects without issue. The GM might rule that it can hold more Bulk of particular items, such as sand, or less Bulk of other items, like awkwardly shaped rocks.

You can raise or place a wheelbarrow using an Interact action and can Stride your normal Speed while you have the wheelbarrow raised, though you're encumbered while pushing a wheelbarrow. You can Release a wheelbarrow as normal, but a loaded wheelbarrow has a chance of tipping over if you don't place it down with care. When you Release a wheelbarrow, attempt a DC 7 flat check. On a failure, the wheelbarrow tips over, spilling its contents into a randomly determined adjacent space.