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There is a Remastered version here.


Source Bestiary pg. 291
Sharks of all shapes and sizes have stalked the oceans, largely unchanged, since primordial times. They are efficient, ruthless predators with multiple rows of razor-sharp teeth capable of rending prey in an instant. Their uncanny ability to smell blood in the water means sharks might show up at any scene of aquatic carnage.


Goblin Shark (Creature 5), Great White Shark (Creature 4), Heliocoprion (Creature 10), Megalodon (Creature 9)

Sidebar - Additional Lore Becoming Meateaters

Contrary to popular belief, sharks are not particularly fond of humanoids as meals. Only under the right conditions—such as when food is scarce or the shark mistakes its victim for a seal—will a shark attack a swimmer or small boat. Such occasions are traumatic enough for survivors to perpetuate the myth of shark as maneater.