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Introduction / Adjusting Creatures


Source Bestiary pg. 7
The languages listed in a creature’s entry are what a typical creature of that type knows. However, you might want to vary these based on the specific creature. For instance, if a creature is interested in speaking with or understanding the people in its region, it would most likely know the language those people speak. This language is most often Common, but you can give it a more appropriate language depending on what region the creature lives in (such as Undercommon if the creature lives in the Darklands).

Beings from other planes are unlikely to know any languages from the Material Plane unless they frequently travel there. If such a creature knows a mortal language, then that creature likely is interested in communicating with mortals. This language is most often Common, although such keep in mind that such a creature should speak Common only if it specifically travels to or studies your campaign’s world and region above others.

The languages in Pathfinder can be found here.