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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardVrolikai (Death Demon)

Powerful vrolikais command the untamed armies of demonkind, uniting them behind their one unifying desire for death and destruction. Unlike other demons, the dreaded vrolikai doesn't form directly from a single soul—they instead manifest when a demon devours so many damned souls that their own individual desires are lost in the sinful cacophony. A vrolikai who survives this process gains great power and can claim a region of the Outer Rifts as their own domain.

Vrolikais' enthusiastic embrace of the multitude of sins makes them uniquely suited to lead and unite demons, such that even demon lords often must rely on vrolikais to command their forces. The chaotic and conflicting motivations of demonkind leave little room to find common ground, but the vrolikai can expound upon the beauty of every kind of sin while marching demon armies to battle.

Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 40
Unspecific Lore: DC 38
Specific Lore: DC 35

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak VrolikaiCreature 19

Large Demon Fiend Unholy 
Source Monster Core pg. 82 1.1
Perception +32; darkvision, truesight
Languages Chthonian, Draconic, Empyrean, Necril; telepathy 100 feet
Skills Acrobatics +35, Arcana +31, Athletics +34, Deception +34, Intimidation +36, Religion +32, Stealth +32, Survival +32
Str +10, Dex +7, Con +9, Int +6, Wis +6, Cha +8
AC 43; Fort +33, Ref +31, Will +32; +1 to all saves vs. magic
HP 420; Immunities death effects; Weaknesses cold iron 15, holy 15
Death-Stealing Gaze (aura, divine, visual) 30 feet. When a non-demon ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 36 Fortitude save. If it fails, it becomes drained 1. A creature that dies while it has drain from a vrolikai's gaze rises as a ghoul the next midnight. The GM determines what kind of ghoul.
Speed 35 feet, fly 50 feet
Melee [one-action] black flame knife +38 [+34/+30] (agile, magical, unholy), Damage 3d4-2+18 piercing plus 2d6 voidMelee [one-action] jaws +36 [+31/+26] (magical, reach 10 feet, unholy), Damage 4d12-2+18 piercingMelee [one-action] stinger +36 [+31/+26] (magical, reach 15 feet, unholy), Damage 4d8-2+18 piercing plus mindwarpingDivine Innate Spells DC 42 (-4 dmg); 10th execute, massacre, paralyze, vampiric exsanguination; 7th regenerate; 5th translocate (at will); Constant (6th) truesight
Rituals DC 42 (-4 dmg); 1st demonic pact
Black Flame Knives [one-action] (divine, unholy) The vrolikai manifests a dagger-shaped blade of what looks like crystallized black flame in each of their four hands. These weapons function as +2 greater striking daggers that deal an additional 2d6 void damage. They fade away into nothingness 1 minute after a vrolikai no longer carries them.Consume Death [one-action] (concentrate, divine, visual) The vrolikai focuses their deathstealing gaze upon a single target they can see within 30 feet. The target must immediately attempt a Fortitude save against death-stealing gaze.
Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature is affected by death-stealing gaze and becomes drained 1. If the creature was already drained 1 by the death-stealing gaze before attempting the save, a failed save increases the value of the drained condition by 1, to a maximum of drained 4. The vrolikai gains 10 temporary Hit Points, and the drained creature is temporarily immune until the start of the vrolikai's next turn.
Critical Failure As failure, but the creature increases the amount of drain by 2.
Focused Flames [two-actions] The vrolikai attacks a single target with all of their black flame knives. The demon makes a black flame knife Strike with the following additional effects. This counts toward the vrolikai's multiple attack penalty as a number of attacks equal to the number of back flame knives the vrolikai used.
Critical Success The target takes an additional 2d6 void damage for each knife beyond the first (typically 6d6 extra damage) and takes 4d6 persistent void damage.
Success The target takes an additional 2d6 void damage for each knife beyond the first.
Failure The vrolikai deals the damage their black flame knife Strike normally deals on a hit.
Mindwarping (emotion, mental) The sting of a vrolikai is mind-warping. A creature struck must attempt a DC 42 Will save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature becomes stupefied 1 for 1 minute.
Failure The creature becomes stupefied 1. If it's already stupefied, its stupefied value increases by 1 instead (to a maximum of stupefied 4).
Critical Failure As failure, plus the creature is confused for 1 minute.

All Monsters in "Demon"

Abrikandilu (Wrecker Demon)4
Babau (Blood Demon)6
Balor (Fire Demon)20
Brimorak (Arson Demon)5
Ghalzarokh (Tyranny Demon)15
Glabrezu (Treachery Demon)13
Hezrou (Toad Demon)11
Invidiak (Shadow Demon)7
Kalavakus (Slaver Demon)10
Katpaskir (Nihilism Demon)18
Kithangian (Beast Demon)9
Marilith (Pride Demon)17
Nabasu (Gluttony Demon)8
Nalfeshnee (Boar Demon)14
Omox (Slime Demon)12
Pusk (Sloth Demon)2
Demon, Roru7
Seraptis (Suicide Demon)15
Shemhazian (Mutilation Demon)16
Succubus (Lust Demon)7
Demon, Urglid13
Vermlek (Worm Demon)3
Vloriak (Despoiler Demon)5
Vrock (Wrath Demon)9
Vrolikai (Death Demon)20


Source Monster Core pg. 76 1.1
When a sinful mortal soul is judged and sent on to the Outer Rifts, it can become a deadly fiend—a demon. Demons are living incarnations of sin—be they classic sins like wrath or gluttony, or more “specialized” depravities like an obsession with torture or the act of treason or treachery. Once formed, a demon's driving goals are twofold—the amassing of personal power, and the corruption of mortal souls to cause them to become tainted by sin. In this way demons ensure a never-ending supply of new demons to bolster their ever-growing ranks in the Outer Rifts.

Demons are selfish and self-absorbed creatures, and most firmly believe that mortals only play at being more virtuous than fiends. They enjoy tempting mortals into damnation to both indulge their egos and swell their armies. Like many other fiends, one of the great rewards of this manipulation is fulfilling their hunger for souls. In their eyes, the primary use for these souls is to spawn new demons, who can serve as soldiers, slaves, pawns, or even currency for their more powerful masters.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Demonic Deities

The most powerful demons are known as demon lords (the term is gender neutral in this case). Of these divinities, Lamashtu is the most powerful. Countless other demon lords exist, including Abraxas, Cyth-V'sug, Kabriri, and Zura.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Demonic Sources

When a sinful mortal soul is consigned to the Outer Rifts, it spends time wallowing in the mire and feeding on filth. If it survives and is not itself eaten, the soul eventually ascends into a demon, as influenced by the nature of its sin, yet most demons are themselves capable of reproduction as well. The fecundity of demonic life is perhaps the greatest—and most threatening—aspect of these dangerous fiends.

Sidebar - Related Creatures History of Evil

Before mortals flooded the Universe with their sins, qlippoths (page 280) ruled the depths of the Outer Rifts. It has been ages since a qlippoth has risen high enough to directly challenge the demons' hold, but the ancient fiends still work to weaken their enemies by attacking the mortals that spawn them.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Newcomers to the Rifts

Though now the most plentiful fiends of the Outer Rifts, demons are relative newcomers, spawning only as mortal influence—and mortal sin, in particular—began to shape the plane. For eons, demons fought with other longstanding residents of the Rifts for dominance, but eventually their sheer numbers allowed them to become the predominant fiends of the plane.

Sidebar - Locations Out of the Rifts

The winding, ever-changing realm of the Outer Rifts is the planar home of demonic life, but demons can be found anywhere the capacity to sin exists. Evil or foolish conjurers are fond of calling upon demons for advice or darker needs. When the Outer Rifts wear through the boundaries of reality to create wound-like portals into other worlds, demons can spill over to wreak incredible havoc.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Sinful Destruction

While they enjoy causing destruction themselves, most demons prefer to trick and tempt mortals into falling to sin of their own volition. Unlike devils, who seek control, demons have a taste for ruin.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Uncountable Demons

The Outer Rifts may be the largest of the Outer Planes, and mortals have an equally large capacity to betray themselves, society, and the natural order of reality. With this limitless source for increasingly specialized sins, the Outer Rifts is constantly generating new types of demons to plague reality. While the vast majority of these are swiftly destroyed and never rise again, enough survive that dozens, if not hundreds, of types of demons are known to exist beyond those listed here.

Sidebar - Additional Lore What Makes a Sin?

Some classify sin into seven categories—envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath. While these sins embody some of the most powerful and numerous demons, far more than seven types of demons exist. Any act of cruelty or destruction a mortal takes to gratify the self at others' expense is, in effect, a sin, and any such act can spawn a demon from a soul in the afterlife.