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There is a Legacy version here.

Clandestine CloakItem 6+

Uncommon Invested Magical 
Source GM Core pg. 287 2.0
Usage worn cloak; Bulk L
When you pull up the hood of this nondescript gray cloak (an Interact action), you become drab and uninteresting, gaining a +1 item bonus to Stealth checks and to Deception checks to Impersonate a forgettable background character, such as a servant, but also taking a –1 item penalty to Diplomacy and Intimidation checks.

Activate—Cloak Identity [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate); Frequency once per day; Effect You pull the cloak's hood up and gain the benefits of veil of privacy for 1 hour or until you pull the hood back down, whichever comes first.

PFS StandardClandestine CloakItem 6

Source GM Core pg. 287 2.0
Price 230 gp

PFS StandardClandestine Cloak (Greater)Item 10

Source GM Core pg. 287 2.0
Price 900 gp
The item bonus is +2, and when you activate the cloak, you gain the benefits of 5th-rank veil of privacy for 8 hours.