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PFS StandardAtreia (The Lambent King)

Source Rage of Elements pg. 116 2.0, Gods & Magic pg. 126 2.0
Responsible for fire, purification, and radiance, Atreia the Lambent King is the benevolent elemental lord of fire. When the multiverse was young, Atreia soared across the Plane of Fire as a triple-headed ibis, with wings that burned and eyes of flame, routing evil from the plane. Now, he is imprisoned within the Garnet Brand, a red gem encased in an eternal shroud of steam. Though he cannot hear or grant power to his followers from his prison, some groups of salamanders on the Plane of Fire still honor the Lambent King for his dominion over protection and life-giving fire, as do a few small circles of mortals who hold the discovery and purification of evil above all other causes. Statues depicting his likeness can be found across his former realms, hidden in ancient sites dedicated to healing and holy light.

Category Elemental Lords
Edicts Burn away corruption, clear the way for new growth, purify tainted areas
Anathema abandon a creature in darkness; Deny a suffering creature warmth, shade, or water; abandon a creature in darkness
Areas of Concern fire, purification, and radiance

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Wisdom or Charisma
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification must choose holy
Divine Skill Performance
Favored Weapon katar
Domains fire, healing, protection, sun
Cleric Spells 1st: soothe, 3rd: ghostly weapon, 4th: fire shield