Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Nagaji Details | Nagaji Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats | Nagaji Heritages

PFS StandardVenom Spit Feat 5

Legacy Content

Source Impossible Lands pg. 50

You've learned the art of lobbing toxic spittle at vulnerable spots on your foes, especially the eyes. You gain a venomous spit ranged unarmed attack with a range increment of 10 feet that deals 1d4 poison damage. On a critical hit, the target takes persistent poison damage equal to the number of weapon damage dice. Your spit doesn't have a weapon group, nor a critical specialization effect.

Special If you have the hooded nagaji heritage, in addition to your venomous spit's normal critical hit effect, the target is also dazzled until the start of your next turn.



Nagaji are brawny humanoids with scaled skin and serpentine heads, many of whom serve or respect nagas.