Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Nagaji Details | Nagaji Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats | Nagaji Heritages

PFS StandardSerpentcoil Slam [one-action] Feat 9

Legacy Content

Source Impossible Lands pg. 50
Frequency once per minute

Your people's ancient and storied rivalry with garudas led you to develop special techniques against flying foes. Make a melee Strike against a flying creature up to one size larger than you; if you hit, you use your neck or coils to smash the creature into the ground. In addition to the normal effects of your Strike, the creature moves to the nearest unoccupied ground space adjacent to you and can't Fly, levitate, or otherwise leave the ground for 1 round. On a critical hit, it can't Fly, levitate, or otherwise leave the ground for 1 minute.



Nagaji are brawny humanoids with scaled skin and serpentine heads, many of whom serve or respect nagas.