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Warden of Peaks and Skies

Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 54
Unspecific Lore: DC 52
Specific Lore: DC 49

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Warden of Peaks and SkiesCreature 22

Unique Gargantuan Air Beast 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 209 2.1
Perception +40; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feet, stormsight
Languages voice of nature
Skills Acrobatics +42, Bird Lore +38, Diplomacy +34, Medicine +38, Mountain Lore +38, Nature +40, Survival +38
Str +8, Dex +12, Con +9, Int +6, Wis +10, Cha +8
Stormsight Wind, precipitation, and clouds don't impair the warden's vision; she ignores the concealed condition from storms, mist, precipitation, and the like.
Voice of Nature
Warden's Crown
AC 48; Fort +36, Ref +40, Will +38; +1 to all saves vs primal
HP 445; Immunities electricity; Resistances fire 15, cold 15
Speed 60 feet, fly 240 feet; unfettered movement
Melee [one-action] beak +41 [+36/+31] (finesse, magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 4d12+16 piercingMelee [one-action] horned crown +41 [+37/+33] (agile, finesse, magical, reach 15 feet), Damage 4d8+16 piercingRanged [one-action] gale blast +39 [+34/+29] (air, magical, range increment 90 feet), Damage 2d8+16 bludgeoning plus 2d8 electricityPrimal Innate Spells DC 45; 10th revival, wrathful storm; 9th soothing spring; Constant (4th) unfettered movement
Crystal Exhalation [two-actions] (cold, primal) The warden breathes, creating a storm of ice crystals. All creatures in a 60-foot cone take 4d8 cold damage and 4d8 slashing damage (DC 44 basic Reflex save). On a critical failure, a creature is immobilized by ice. The warden then can't use Crystal Exhalation for 1d4 rounds.Orogenesis Dive [three-actions] (air, earth, move, primal) The warden flies 240 feet upward in a straight line. As she does so, the ground in a 30-foot burst from her starting point rises into a 120-foot-high rocky pillar topped with a mountainous peak that becomes greater difficult terrain. All other creatures in that burst must succeed at a DC 44 Fortitude save or be fatigued by the sudden altitude shift. The warden then flies straight downward to the center of the pillar's peak, driving her horns into the stone. As she lands, the newly formed mountains tremble. All other creatures in the area must succeed at a DC 42 Reflex save or plummet off the peaks, falling 120 feet and landing in the nearest square outside the area. The pillar is permanent.Song of the Skies [one-action] (air, auditory, primal) The warden trills a cheerful birdsong, granting a boon to all allies within 60 feet and evoking the freedom of flight. For the next minute, affected allies gain unfettered movement, a fly speed of 60 feet, and treat creatures on the ground as off-guard when they are airborne.Tempest Downdrafts [free-action] (air, primal) Trigger The warden Flies; Effects The warden's flapping wings generate powerful gusts that blow smaller creatures off course. A 60-foot emanation, centered on the warden, fills with lightning-pierced winds until the beginning of the warden's next turn. Creatures must succeed at a DC 42 Reflex save to take any move action within the winds; flying creatures use the outcome one degree of success worse than what they roll. Creatures who critically fail are blown 30 feet away from the warden, knocked prone, and take 4d6 electricity damage.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Warden's Blessing

Legend says that the Warden of Peaks and Sky invites those who particularly earn their favor into their home, a nest within a hollow peak deep in the Kodar Mountains. There, the guest is treated to a grand feast, after which the warden offers to turn them into a thunderbird so they might enjoy the sky for the rest of their days, though they are not offended if anyone demurs.

All Monsters in "Wardens of the Wild"

Warden of Caverns and Burrows22
Warden of Forests and Meadows22
Warden of Ocean and Rivers22
Warden of Peaks and Skies22

Wardens of the Wild

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 203 2.1
Nethys Note: No description was provided for this group of creatures. All Wardens of the Wild share the following two abilities:

Voice of Nature Though the Wardens of the Wild do not speak in words, they can communicate complex concepts flawlessly and wordlessly with any animal, beast, plant, or other creature of the natural world through prolonged eye contact. Sapient creatures with strong ties to the natural world, such as animal instinct barbarians or druids who speak the Wildsong, can somewhat understand a Warden of the Wild, though the meaning can be vague.

Warden's Crown A Warden of the Wild's horned crown commands respect from wild creatures. Wild creatures native to a warden's biome automatically improve their attitude toward it by one step (up to friendly) and typically do not take hostile actions towards each other while in the warden's presence.