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Howl of the Wild / Special Ancestry Rules

Large PCs

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 9 2.1
Most centaurs and minotaurs, as well as some athamarus and awakened animals, can be Large. Large PCs generally can adventure most places that Medium PCs can, but we've included some reminder text covering important information for playing or GMing for Large characters.

Large PCs occupy a space that is 2 squares long by 2 squares wide by 2 squares high. This means that they can, for example, Strike a creature that is flying 10 feet above the ground (or 15 feet above the ground when using a reach weapon). However, Large PCs do not automatically gain additional reach, though some Large ancestries (such as minotaurs) have ancestry feats that grant them additional reach. A Large PC is also big enough that they provide standard cover instead of lesser cover to Small or smaller creatures.

When moving through an area that is only 5 feet wide, a Large PC can move through the space but treats each square as difficult terrain. Moving through a narrower space that does not obstruct Small creatures requires Large PCs to Squeeze. This is typically relevant only in encounter mode; when shopping in town, a centaur can typically enter a building intended for Medium-sized creatures even if it takes them a little more time to duck through the doorway. When a Large PC moves through hazardous terrain or a similar obstacle that causes damage based on the number of squares the PC moves through, they take damage only once for each 5 feet of movement—a minotaur shouldn't take four times as much damage for crossing a burning field as a human! Large PCs should generally be able to acquire equipment sized for them without having to pay a cost increase; these characters come from cultures that regularly craft appropriately sized gear for them to use.