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Embodied FontRitual 8

Source War of Immortals pg. 141
Cast 1 Day; Cost magic items with a value of at least 2,000 gp
Primary Check skill corresponding to the target’s casting tradition (trained)
Range 10 feet; Target(s) the disembodied wildspell associated with the primary caster
You place the magic items into a neat pile and attempt to draw out their power to form a new body that the target can inhabit.

Critical Success The target materializes within range, with full Hit Points, 1 Mythic Point, and as if having just completed daily preparations.
Success As critical success, but all the target’s spells and spell slots are expended.
Failure As success, but the target is clumsy 1, drained 1, doomed 1, and enfeebled 1 for 1 week.
Critical Failure The ritual fails and can’t be attempted again for that target for 1 week. The magic items are still consumed.