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There is a Remastered version here.

PFS StandardBashing Charge [two-actions] Feat 2

Legacy Content

Barbarian Flourish 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 108 2.0
Archetype Zombie*
Prerequisites trained in Athletics
* This archetype offers Bashing Charge at a different level than displayed here.

You smash, bust, and charge through solid obstacles without hesitation. Stride twice. Once during your movement, if your movement passes through or ends adjacent to a door, window, fence, wall, or similar obstacle, you can attempt an Athletics check to Force Open the obstacle with a +1 circumstance bonus to the roll; on a failure, your movement ends at that obstacle.

Archetype Use

This feat can be used for one or more Archetypes in addition to the listed Classes. When selected this way, the feat is not considered to have its class traits.



Actions with the flourish trait are special techniques that require too much exertion for you to perform frequently. You can use only one action with the flourish trait per round.