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Chapter 3: Age of Lost Omens

Beyond the Inner Sea

Source GM Core pg. 144 2.0
The Inner Sea region consists of the continent of Avistan and the northern portion of the continent of Garund, but it's only one part of a much larger world. Garund extends further south, and its southern reaches are home to many unexplored civilizations and cultures. As one travels east from the Inner Sea, the vast expanse of the continent of Casmaron stretches beyond the horizon. With the immense inland Castrovin Sea at its heart, Casmaron is the largest of Golarion's continents and home to some of its oldest and most successful empires. The Padishah Empire of Kelesh dominates much of western Casmaron, with its satrapy of Qadira reaching into the Inner Sea. To the south of Kelesh lies the peninsula of Vudra, a massive and ancient civilization consisting of over one hundred semi-independent kingdoms. The Hundred and One Ships of Khiben-Sald, who was one of Vudra's mightiest maharajas, visited Avistan in ancient times and spread the influence of Vudra's culture throughout the Inner Sea. On Casmaron's southwestern coast lies the island nation of Iblydos, a small land hiding titanic prophecies that can transform mere mortals into hero gods. Far to the north, to the east of Brevoy, lies the land of Iobara, a crumbling society devastated by plague and other disasters. The east of Casmaron is ruled by the sweeping plains known as the Grass Sea, with the horse riders of Karazh and the city of Ular-Kel being the only steady bastions in the endless wilds.

Farther east of Casmaron lies the continent of Tian Xia, a region often called the Dragon Empires. The north of Tian Xia connects to Golarion's northernmost continent, a frozen reach known as the Crown of the World—this continent forms a land bridge between Tian Xia and Avistan over the north pole. Though the trade route is frigid and dangerous, immigrants and merchants travel it every year, bringing coveted Tian goods to fill the cups and grace the plates of Taldan tea houses. Bolder explorers sometimes set sail from one continent to another, setting their sights on the trade center of Goka, a metropolis that rivals Absalom for the largest city in the world.

South of Tian Xia lies the mysterious continent of Sarusan, of which little is known due to the powerful storms and vexing currents that turn away explorers and shroud its shores. Heading west from the Inner Sea region, sailors encounter the shattered remnants of lost Azlant, a ruined continent that hosted one of humanity's first empires until it was destroyed during Earthfall. Sailing farther west from these ruins eventually leads to the shores of Arcadia, a land with unusual magical traditions and powerful nations of its own.

The Darklands

Source GM Core pg. 145 2.0
Beneath all of the surface lands, carved into the planet's very crust, lie the twisting tunnels of the tripartite underground realm known collectively as the Darklands, which houses great horrors and dangers but equally great opportunities for triumph and treasure. Deep beneath the surface lies the region known as Nar-Voth, a land of tortuous interconnected cave systems. Dwarves and orcs once lived here, until they moved to the surface after Earthfall—now it's ruled by those who remained and thrive in the dark, such as xulgaths and calignis.

Sekamina, once a seat of power for the Serpentfolk Empire in prehistoric times, is found below Nar-Voth. The caverns here are much larger than any above, some seeming to span entire continents. The ghoul city of Nemret Noktoria can also be found here, deep underneath the surface nations of Osirion and Thuvia. Stranger and awful beings, such as the bizarre seugathi and the nightmarish gogiteth, creep upward from deeper in the Darklands, ensuring the region remains poorly explored.

The deepest layers of the Darklands are known as Orv. Rumors trickle upwards of massive vaults that contain fantastical biomes, built by powerful alien beings for unknown purposes—but few explorers can brave the dangers of the Darklands long enough to return with the truth.

The Solar System

Source GM Core pg. 145 2.0
Golarion is but one of 11 worlds that orbit its sun. To the vast majority of the planet's denizens, the other worlds are little more than points of light in the sky, but these worlds aren't so distant as one might expect. The planets of Akiton and Castrovel are Golarion's closest neighbors. Travelers from both have visited and even settled on Golarion, most notably elves, who originally hail from Castrovel. Even the farthest planet, remote Aucturn, has influenced Golarion, with its alien inhabitants exerting a sinister touch on the world that recently put the entire planet in peril. The wise thus don't discount the dangers and wonders that dwell on other planets of Golarion's solar system.