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PFS StandardLeaf Weave

Legacy Content

Source Treasure Vault pg. 10 1.1
Price 4 gp; AC Bonus +1; Dex Cap +4; Check Penalty -1; Speed Penalty
Strength 10; Bulk 1; Category Light; Group Wood
Specialized crafters, often elves, create leaf weave out of sturdy leaves from ancient or magically enriched trees. Such leaves, when treated properly, have the strength of leather, and other tough plant materials hold the leaves together to form the armor. Such suits are popular among those who wish to avoid materials taken from slain beasts. As a material, leaf weave has the same statistics as thin wood.



The armor is made up of layered sections, so when it breaks, it isn't as much of a problem. The status penalty to AC if this armor is broken is –1 for broken medium armor, –2 for broken heavy armor, or no penalty for broken light armor.

Armor Specialization Effects

Source Core Rulebook pg. 275 4.0
Certain class features can grant you additional benefits with certain armors. This is called an armor specialization effect. The exact effect depends on which armor group your armor belongs to, as listed below. Only medium and heavy armors have armor specialization effects.

Wood: Wood armor is generally flexible and light, but it can splinter as it breaks, throwing off shards and fragments that damage foes who deal you critical blows. If a foe critically hits you with a melee unarmed attack or critically hits you with any melee attack while adjacent to you, it takes piercing damage equal to 3 + the armor's potency rune value for medium armor, or 5 + the armor's potency rune value for heavy armor.

Specific Magic Armor

Autumn's Embrace, Faerie Queen's Bower