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Player Core 2 / Snares

Crafting Snares

Source Player Core 2 pg. 297 1.1
A snare is built within a single 5-foot square. Only one snare can occupy a single 5-foot square at a time. Once constructed, it can't be moved without destroying (and often triggering) the snare. Snares usually last until they're triggered, though at the GM's discretion, certain snares might become inert after extended periods of time (such as months or years). Snares made for quick deployment, such as those from the Snarecrafter archetype, are less durable and become inert after 24 hours.

You must have the Snare Crafting feat as well as be wielding or wearing a snare toolkit to create snares. You can spend 1 minute to Craft a snare by expending an amount of money equal to the snare's listed Price. This expenditure represents the use of raw materials that are included in your snare toolkit. If you want to Craft a snare at a discount, you must spend downtime as described in the Craft activity. Some snares have additional requirements beyond those stated in the Craft activity; these snares list their requirements in a Craft Requirements entry. Despite having the consumable trait, you make only one snare when you spend the minute to Craft a snare.