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Other Consumables

PFS StandardFlash Beetle LanternItem 3

Uncommon Magical 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 106 2.1
Price 50 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 2
This unassuming hooded lantern contains a mass of flash beetle eggs suspended in a magical solution. It sheds light on a 45-foot radius (and dim light in the next 45 feet).

Activate—Spotlight [one-action] (light, manipulate, visual); Frequency once per day; Effect Flipping a concealed lever in the lantern’s handle triggers a small current to pass through the solution. The eggs brighten and emit a series of brilliant flashes in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area of effect must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is dazzled for 1 round.
Failure The creature is blinded for 1 round.
Critical Failure The creature is blinded for 1 minute.

Craft Requirements The initial raw materials must include the eggs of a flash beetle.