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There is a Remastered version here.


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 56
Couatls are serpentine celestials who tirelessly help mortals reach their greatest potential all across the planes. Some serve benevolent deities as intermediaries while others serve the cause of good as they see fit.


Mix Couatl (Creature 8), Quetz Couatl (Creature 10), Scalliwing (Creature 3), Xiuh Couatl (Creature 12)

Sidebar - Additional Lore Couatl Deities

Most good gods make use of couatls as their agents. There are three couatl deities, however, whose word takes precedence over others in the hearts of couatls. These are Cihua Couatl, the dualistic god of childbirth, protection, and warfare; Pahti Couatl, the goddess of retribution, investigation, and rehabilitation; and Tolte Couatl, the god of knowledge, memories, and migration.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Couatls and Sahkils

Legends in Arcadia say that couatls and sahkils both rose to prominence as the first mortals walked on Golarion. Each saw unique potential in the mortals; couatls saw hope and the potential to rise to achieve great feats, while sahkils saw the potential for fear. Fearful mortals would never accomplish anything, becoming useless piles of flesh whose souls would languish. These withered souls would be unable to properly travel the River of Souls, disrupting the delicate balance of the afterlife. To this day, couatls work to inspire mortals and push them toward greater tasks while striving to keep the sahkils' terror at bay

Sidebar - Related Creatures Other Couatls

The quetz couatl presented here is the most common of its kind, and while most adventurers and scholars refer to them simply as “couatls,” other kinds exist as well, such as the fierce xiuh couatl, the nomadic auwaz couatl, the wise mix couatl, the nurturing chicome couatl, and the furious tletli couatl.