Foretell Harm [free-action] Feat 1Cursebound Divine Oracle Source Player Core 2 pg. 138 1.1PFS Note The oracle's Foretell Harm feat can be used on all targets of an area-of-effect spell, not just a singular target.
Frequency once per round
Requirements Your previous action was to
Cast a non-cantrip Spell that dealt damage
Your magic echoes ominously as you glimpse injury in the target's future. At the beginning of your target's next turn, it takes damage equal to twice the triggering spell's rank as a seemingly random and minor misfortune finds it. The damage and type of misfortune is of a type matching the spell; for instance, if you dealt fire damage, a flame might spontaneous ignite on them or they might burn a hand on their torch. The target is then temporarily immune to Foretell Harm for 24 hours.
Cursebound: Abilities with this trait tighten your oracular curse's grasp on your soul in exchange for divine insights, giving you the cursebound condition. When you use a cursebound ability, you become cursebound 1, or if you were already cursebound, you increase the value of your cursebound condition by 1. As cursebound abilities are directly linked to your oracular curse, you can't use a cursebound ability if you don't have an oracular curse or if you are already at your maximum cursebound value. You can't mitigate or bypass the drawbacks of any cursebound ability with spells or other effects, and the effects of any cursebound ability end when you Refocus and remove the cursebound condition. A cursebound ability that allows a defense uses your spell attack modifier or spell DC unless noted otherwise.
Divine: This magic comes from the divine tradition, drawing power from deities or similar sources. Anything with this trait is magical.
A creature with this trait is primarily constituted of or has a strong connection to divine magic.