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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardAnimatedItem 13

Uncommon Magical 
Source GM Core pg. 236 2.0
Price 2,700 gp
Usage etched onto a melee weapon; Bulk
An animated weapon flies autonomously and strikes your foes.

Activate—Set Free [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate); Effect You Release the weapon and it flutters through the air, fighting on its own against the last enemy you attacked, or the nearest enemy to it if your target has been defeated. At the end of your turn each round, the weapon can Fly up to its fly Speed of 40 feet, and then can either Fly again or Strike one creature within its reach.
The weapon has a space of 5 feet, but it doesn't block or impede enemies attempting to move though that space, nor does it benefit from or provide flanking. The weapon can't move through an enemy's space. The weapon can't use reactions, and its Fly actions don't trigger reactions.
While it's activated, an animated weapon makes Strikes with an attack modifier of +24 plus its item bonus to attack rolls. It uses the weapon's normal damage but has a +0 Strength modifier. The weapon's abilities that automatically trigger on a hit or critical hit still function, but the weapon can't be activated or benefit from any of your abilities while animated.
Each round, when the weapon finishes using its actions, attempt a DC 6 flat check. On a failure, the activation ends. The weapon falls to the ground and can't be Set Free again for 10 minutes.