Barricade StoneItem 6+
This Item may contain spoilers from the Strength of Thousands Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Uncommon Conjuration Consumable Magical Structure
Source Pathfinder #171: Hurricane's Howl pg. 75
Bulk — when not activated
Activate [two-actions] command, Interact
The ancient inhabitants of Bloodsalt crafted these magic rocks to construct defenses quickly. In its stone form, a barricade stone appears to be a simple pebble with an unnaturally geometric shape. The size and shape of the stone's final form depends on the type of barricade stone. When you activate the barricade stone, you drop it on the ground, throw it up to 20 feet away, or sling it using a sling weapon. Upon landing, the stone instantly and permanently expands. The stone grows to its maximum size. While normally items with the structure trait put creatures in their area inside the structure, this effect creates solid stone, so it can't be placed in an area where there are creatures. While it's likely to take some time even with the right tools, an activated barricade stone can be destroyed the same as any normal stone structure (Hardness 14, HP 56).

Barricade Stone (Sphere)
Item 6Source Pathfinder #171: Hurricane's Howl pg. 75Price 40 gp
This smooth marble keeps its shape when activated, growing into a spherical boulder 10 feet in diameter. If stationary, the boulder can be pushed 5 feet with a successful DC 24
Athletics check. If the marble was thrown or slung, the boulder retains its momentum, moving 25 feet away from you each round. A creature in the boulder's way takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage (DC 20
basic Reflex save; on a failure, the creature is knocked
Barricade Stone (Cube)Item 8
Source Pathfinder #171: Hurricane's Howl pg. 75Price 80 gp
This seemingly simple six-sided die was designed to block a corridor. When activated, it grows to fill a solid square or rectangular space no more than 20 feet on any side. The cube fills spaces well enough that Tiny creatures can't slip through, but it's far from a perfect seal. Liquids, gases, and minuscule creatures such as insects can still find ways around it. Depending on the irregularities of the space the cube fills, it might be possible to see or hear past it.
Barricade Stone (Cylinder)Item 10
Source Pathfinder #171: Hurricane's Howl pg. 75Price 160 gp
When activated, this cylinder expands to a diameter of 5 feet, 10 feet, or 20 feet, depending on the command, with respective maximum heights of 80 feet, 40 feet, and 20 feet. If a dimension can't be reached due to contact with another solid surface, the cylinder ceases to grow in that direction. You can activate the cylinder horizontally instead of vertically. If you do, the cylinder moves similarly to the sphere barricade stone, with the following changes: both DCs increase to 27, the damage increases to 6d6, and a creature that critically fails its Reflex save against the rolling cylinder gains the
wounded 1 condition (or increases the value of its wounded condition by 1).