Trick Shot [two-actions] Feat 10Legacy Content
Gunslinger Source Guns & Gears pg. 116 2.0Archetypes Bullet Dancer,
Pistol Phenom,
Unexpected SharpshooterRequirements You're wielding a loaded crossbow or firearm.
You shoot not at your foe but at an object nearby. Make a Strike with your firearm against an AC equal to an easy DC for your level. On a success, instead of hitting your foe, your attack hits an object behind or to the side of your target, creating one of the following effects. The GM might determine that a different AC is appropriate or that a particular effect isn't a valid option, such as using the explosive barrel option when there's no such object on the battlefield. The GM should inform you if a Trick Shot is feasible before you spend your actions, since your trained eye can easily recognize loose or volatile objects.
- Dislodge Object Your attack knocks an unattended object of no more than 2 Bulk out of position, moving it up to 10 feet in a direction of your choice. For example, the weapon could knock a wizard's crystal ball off a table.
- Explosive Barrel Your attack strikes a barrel of expensive rum, a vial of volatile alchemical fluids, a demonic pustule erupting from the earth, or some other explosive object. The object explodes in a 20-foot burst, and creatures in the area take 6d6 damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. The damage type is chosen by the GM, based on the exploding object. Increase the damage by 1d6 for every 2 levels you have above 10th.
Archetype Use
This feat can be used for one or more Archetypes in addition to the listed Classes. When selected this way, the feat is not considered to have its class traits.
Trick Shot Leads To...
Ranged Disarm