Mask of Fear [free-action] Feat 13Legacy Content
Orc Source Ancestry Guide pg. 51 3.0Prerequisites Orc WarmaskTrigger You start your turn with the
frightened condition.
Requirements You're wearing your
warmask burns off of your face, releasing your apprehension. You remove the frightened condition. Your
warmask is destroyed, and you can't reapply it until your next daily preparations.
Special You can use this free action even if you have a condition tied to the frightened condition that would normally prevent you from using a free action, such as “
fleeing as long as you're frightened” or “
paralyzed as long as you're frightened.”
Orc: A creature with this trait is a member of the orc ancestry. These green-skinned people tend to have darkvision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by orcs. An item with this trait is created and used by orcs.