There is a Remastered version

Strangle [one-action] Feat 8Legacy Content
Archetype Source Grand Bazaar pg. 127Archetype WrestlerPrerequisites Wrestler DedicationRequirements You have a creature
grabbed or
You twist and squeeze the breath out of your foe. Make an
unarmed melee Strike against the creature you have grabbed or restrained. On a success, you gain a circumstance bonus to damage equal to the number of weapon damage dice and the target can barely speak until the start of your next turn or until it
Escapes, whichever comes first. While it can barely speak, the target can't vocalize above a hoarse whisper, and it must succeed at a DC 10 flat check or lose any action that requires speech. For an action requiring speech that is also a
manipulate action, like Casting a Spell with somatic and verbal components, the target just rolls a single DC 10 flat check, rather than an additional DC 5 flat check for being grabbed.
Archetype: This feat belongs to an archetype.