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Ritual 2Legacy Content
Uncommon Enchantment Mental Source Core Rulebook pg. 413 4.0Cast 1 day;
Cost rare oils worth a total value of 10 gp × the target’s level
Primary Check Arcana (expert),
Occultism (expert), or
Religion (expert)
Range 10 feet;
Target(s) 1 creature of a level no greater than double the
inveigle ritual’s level
Duration 1 year or until dismissed
You win over the target’s mind, causing it to see you as a close and trusted friend and look upon your every suggestion as reasonable. The target is helpful toward you, so it will go out of its way to help you. As with any other helpful creature, there are limits to what you can ask of it. If you ever ask the target to do something completely against its nature or needlessly harmful to the target or its interests, not only does it refuse, but it also can attempt a Will save to end the effect early. Because of the casting time and range, it’s generally difficult to cast this ritual unless the target is willing (perhaps convinced the ritual will have some other effect) or restrained. If the creature is unwilling to accept the ritual, it can attempt a Will save to negate the effect.
Critical Success The ritual succeeds and the target takes a –4 status penalty to Will saves to end the effect.
Success The ritual succeeds.
Failure The ritual fails.
Critical Failure The ritual fails and the target instead hates you, becoming hostile to you for the duration.
Heightened (6th) You can use
inveigle on a creature up to 1 mile away throughout the casting, as long as you have a lock of hair, a drop of blood, or some other piece of the creature’s body, which you mix into the oils used in the cost. The base cost increases to 100 gp. The duration is shorter than normal, based on how large a piece of the creature’s body you use. Blood, hair, scales, and the like cause the ritual to last 1 week, while a hand or other substantial body part causes the ritual to last 1 month.