Movanic Glimmer
[two-actions] Spell 4This Spell may contain spoilers from the Blood Lords Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Uncommon Enchantment Good Mental Transmutation Source Pathfinder #183: Field of Maidens pg. 78Traditions divine,
primalCast [two-actions] somatic,
verbalRange touch;
Targets 1 animal
Duration until you next perform your daily preparations
You give the target animal a glimmer of awareness, not truly awakening it but allowing it to better understand its surroundings. The target gains a +2 status bonus to Perception checks and Will saves, and any
Nature checks to
Command the target Animal gain a +1 status bonus from its increased understanding. Additionally, if the target animal has the
minion trait, it can take one action each turn even if its master doesn't use an action to Command it, which it can use to perform any basic action it knows. This doesn't prevent a target that was summoned from disappearing if its summoner doesn't Sustain the Spell, but does allow the target to perform one action before disappearing.
Heightened (8th) You can target up to 5 animals.