Advanced Scurvy
[two-actions] Spell 2Legacy Content
Disease Necromancy Source Pathfinder #188: They Watched the Stars pg. 80Traditions divine,
primalCast [two-actions] somatic,
verbalRange touch;
Targets 1 creature
Saving Throw Fortitude
Your touch afflicts the target with an advanced form of scurvy, a mariner's disease stemming from improper nutrition. The symptoms of scurvy include fatigue, joint pain, loose teeth, and internal hemorrhaging.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is
enfeebled 1 for 1 minute.
Failure The target is afflicted with advanced scurvy at stage 1.
Critical Failure The target is afflicted with advanced scurvy at stage 2.
Advanced Scurvy (
Level 4; for 1 day after eating fresh fruit, a creature gains a +2 circumstance bonus to their next saving throw against this affliction;
Stage 1 enfeebled 1 and the damage dealt by
persistent bleed effects is increased by 1 (1 day);
Stage 2 enfeebled 1,
fatigued, and the damage dealt by persistent bleed effects is increased by 1d4 (2 days);
Stage 3 enfeebled 2, fatigued, and the damage dealt by persistent bleed effects is increased by 1d6 (4 days)