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PFS RestrictedReef HeartItem 12+

Legacy Content

Conjuration Invested Magical 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 18 1.1
Usage worn armor; Bulk 2
Base Armor Coral Armor
This +2 resilient coral armor, often favored by allies of merfolk and aquatic elves, is made of living coral carefully harvested from the ocean depths. Legends speak of a variety of similar coral armors with distinct powers, but surface-dwellers know of reef heart as a magic armor that makes it easier for them to travel under the sea. Reef heart enables you to breathe underwater and gives you a swim Speed equal to half your land Speed.

Activate [three-actions] command, envision, Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast coral eruption. If you conjure the coral underwater, it ceases dealing damage after 1 minute, but its duration is unlimited. If the magical coral remains in place for 1 year, it becomes non-magical coral from which a reef might grow.

PFS RestrictedReef HeartItem 12

Source Treasure Vault pg. 18 1.1
Price 2,000 gp
Bulk 2

PFS RestrictedReef Heart (Greater)Item 15

Source Treasure Vault pg. 18 1.1
Price 6,500 gp
Bulk 2
The reef heart is +2 greater resilient coral armor, the swim Speed is equal to your full land Speed, and the coral eruption is 7th level.