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PFS StandardBlister AmmunitionItem 5+

Legacy Content

Alchemical Consumable Poison 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 42 1.1
Ammunition any; Bulk
Activate [one-action] Interact
Blister ammunition is loaded with alchemically processed irritants, such as pollen, pepper, and formic acid. A creature hit by activated blister ammunition must attempt a Fortitude save or begin to itch uncontrollably in addition to damage the attack normally deals. On a critical hit, increase the Fortitude DC by 2, and the target is dazzled for 1 round. For the duration, each time the target attempts a concentrate action, it must attempt a DC 8 flat check, losing the action on a failure. An affected creature can use a single Interact action to scratch and sneeze, allowing it to automatically pass the flat check. The effect ends early once an affected creature spends 3 Interact actions scratching and sneezing. These Interact actions don't need to be consecutive.

PFS StandardBlister Ammunition (Lesser)Item 5

Source Treasure Vault pg. 42 1.1
Price 21 gp
The maximum duration is 3 rounds, and the Fortitude DC is 19.

PFS StandardBlister Ammunition (Moderate)Item 11

Source Treasure Vault pg. 42 1.1
Price 210 gp
The maximum duration is 6 rounds, and the Fortitude DC is 28.

PFS StandardBlister Ammunition (Greater)Item 16

Source Treasure Vault pg. 42 1.1
Price 1,400 gp
The maximum duration is 10 rounds, and the Fortitude DC is 35.