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PFS StandardMakhluk Wayang

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 125
Required Number of Abilities 8
Granted Abilities construct, manual dexterity, play dead, speech, tough, versatile form

Makhluk wayangs are shadow puppets, pieces of show and tell made animate, carrying no more than the personalities they were crafted to inhabit. Unlike the wayang people, your familiar is a shadowy incorporeal being without a body of its own. A makhluk wayang possesses a simple puppet made of leather or, sometimes, from thick parchment.

Shadow Projection [one-action]

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 125
Your makhluk wayang projects its shadow into a larger silhouette of itself, allowing it to grasp things outside of its obvious reach. It increases its reach to 10 feet for the purposes of taking non-hostile Interact actions until the end of your turn.