Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide

Chapter 1: Gamemastery Basics / Running Encounters / Maps and Miniatures

Going Gridless

Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 14
As described on page 494 of the Core Rulebook, you can play encounters without a grid. This is best for groups who can easily imagine their surroundings without a visual aid, and for battles that don’t require understanding a complex physical space. Your game doesn’t have to be entirely on or entirely off maps—you might decide to play out most simple fights without a grid, then use one for highly tactical fights or major set pieces. As noted in the Core Rulebook, the 3-action structure is your best friend. You might find yourself answering a lot of questions about actions and space, like “Can I get there this turn,” or “How many of the gnolls can I catch in a fireball?” If you find yourself needing to repeatedly remind players of the physical features of the environment or enemy positioning, that might mean you’re making your encounters too tactical for what a gridless game supports. This style works better to encourage imaginative, cinematic action and quick play without getting too hung up on details.