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Source GM Core pg. 308 2.0
Some extraordinary magic items grow in power along with a character, gaining abilities that add to an adventurer's legend. These are called relics, and owning one can define a character more than any other magic item.

Click here for the full rules on Relics.

Fiend Gifts

Curse WoundMinor Gift

Curse Unholy 
Source GM Core pg. 313 2.0
Aspect fiend; Prerequisite The relic is a weapon.
Activate [reaction] (concentrate); Trigger Your Strike with your relic deals damage to a creature within 60 feet; Effect The evil within your relic curses an enemy's wound to ensure they won't heal. The triggering creature must attempt a Will save or be unable to restore the Hit Points lost by damage from the triggering Strike until its next daily preparations. If you use Curse Wound on a creature already affected by your Curse Wound, your previous application expires.

Fiendish DefianceMinor Gift

Source GM Core pg. 313 2.0
Aspect fiend; Prerequisite The relic is a worn item.
The fiendish power of your relic offers you more protection against celestials and allows you to ignore harm. While wearing the relic, you gain a +1 status bonus to AC against attacks by celestials and resistance to an energy type corresponding to the relic's fiendish origin (such as fire resistance from a devil). The resistance is equal to half the relic's level (minimum 1).

Little HelperMinor Gift

Source GM Core pg. 313 2.0
Aspect fiend
Your relic awakens to sapience, developing a personality (usually one that clashes with your own). Your relic has a personality corresponding to the type of fiend associated with the item, the unholy trait, precise vision and imprecise hearing each out to 30 feet, the ability to understand and speak one language you know, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifiers of +0. Your item's total Perception and Will modifiers are equal to your proficiency modifiers in Perception and Will, respectively. It's trained in the Lore associated with its fiend type (such as Demon Lore), for a total modifier of 2 + the relic's level. Unlike most intelligent items, the relic has no actions or reactions and can't use any of its own activations.

Fiendish BargainMajor Gift

Source GM Core pg. 313 2.0
Aspect fiend
Activate [one-action] (concentrate); Frequency once per day; Effect You bargain with the evil force empowering your relic for a boon, though you must trade something in return. Select one of the following benefits to gain.
  • Your relic attempts to counteract a harmful condition affecting you.
  • You regain 3d8+16 Hit Points. This is a healing effect.
  • You gain a +2 status bonus to attack rolls for 1 minute.
One of the following randomly determined effects occurs to you in payment, after applying the benefit.
  • You are stupefied 1 for 1 minute.
  • You are clumsy 1 for 1 minute.
  • You lose 1d8 Hit Points.
  • You take a –1 penalty to damage rolls for 1 minute.

Profane FervorMajor Gift

Source GM Core pg. 314 2.0
Aspect fiend
Activate [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate); Effect Profane energies twist your weapons, filling them with rage toward everything good. For 1 minute, your weapons and unarmed attacks gain the unholy weapon rune while you hold them. If a weapon is at its limit on property runes, you can choose one property rune on the weapon to go dormant while the unholy rune takes effect. In addition, Strikes your allies make while they're within 30 feet of you gain the unholy trait.

Command LegionGrand Gift

Source GM Core pg. 314 2.0
Aspect fiend
Activate [three-actions] (concentrate); Effect Your relic opens a gate within itself, overwhelming your enemies with fiends. You cast 6th-rank summon fiend, but summon two fiends instead of one, and you can command them both with 1 action to Sustain a spell. If the relic has the profane fervor gift, this activation grants the effects of that gift as well, without expending its daily use. For the next minute, you can use the following activation.

Activate [free-action] (concentrate); Effect You summon that same fiend again in an adjacent space. The fiend returns at full Hit Points and all conditions, spells, and other effects on it end before you summon it again. However, it does not recover any limited-use abilities it used before, such as innate spells or abilities with a Frequency entry.