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PFS StandardBloodburn CenserItem 13

Censer Fire Magical Poison 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 122 2.0
Price 2,750 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
The exterior of this egg-shaped brass censer is polished to a mirror-like sheen. Several rings are attached to its sides at regular intervals. The top of the censer's lid is decorated with a pair of intertwining snakes.

Activate—Light Incense [two-actions] (aura, manipulate); Cost incense worth at least 5 gp; Frequency once per day; Effect A piping, reddish smoke pours from the censer in a 20-foot emanation. You choose whether the smoke causes the target's blood to turn extremely hot or transmutes to poison; the smoke deals your choice of fire or poison damage. Each living creature that's in the area or enters it attempts a DC 34 Fortitude saving throw, then becomes temporarily immune for 1 hour.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature breathes in a small amount of the poisonous smoke and takes 2d6 persistent damage.
Failure The creature gulps down a lungful of the smoke, taking 4d6 persistent damage and becoming enfeebled 2 until the persistent damage ends.
Critical Failure The creature inhales a large amount of the smoke, taking 6d6 persistent damage and becoming enfeebled 3 until the persistent damage ends.