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PFS StandardBeast BlessedBackground

Legacy Content

Source Firebrands pg. 75 2.0
You once freed a magical beast from captivity and, whether it was intentional or a byproduct of another action, the grateful creature bestowed a blessing of freedom upon you. Your blessing manifests physically, perhaps as elongated canines, fingernails that grow to a sharp point, excess body hair, or some other feature. This physical manifestation is cosmetic and provides no benefit.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.

You are trained in the Survival skill. You gain the Bestial Clarity reaction.

Bestial Clarity [reaction] Frequency once per day; Trigger You fail a saving throw against an enchantment effect; Effect Your bestial manifestation becomes more pronounced, and your mind gains a flash of clarity as your instincts take over. You can reroll the triggering saving throw with a +2 circumstance bonus, but you must use the new result. This is a fortune effect.