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PFS StandardClockwork RecorderItem 6

Legacy Content

Source Legends pg. 24
PFS Note Spare wax cylinders for a clockwork recorder cost 3 gp each and are the same rarity as the recorder itself (rare).

Price 250 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
This small recording device can be as tiny as a music box or around the size of large book and is typically concealed in hollowed-out books and jewelry. A clockwork recorder can record up to 1 hour of sound before its wax cylinders must be retrieved and replaced. Any given clockwork recorder can play back the recordings of a cylinder, regardless of whether it was the recorder used for the original recording.

Activate [three-actions] Interact; Effect You wind the recorder to start recording sound or to play back a recording. You can have the recording or playback start immediately or be timed to start at any point up to one month later.