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Source GM Core pg. 308 2.0
Some extraordinary magic items grow in power along with a character, gaining abilities that add to an adventurer's legend. These are called relics, and owning one can define a character more than any other magic item.

Click here for the full rules on Relics.

Life Gifts

Bestow LifeMinor Gift

Source GM Core pg. 315 2.0
Aspect life
Activate [two-actions] (concentrate); Frequency once per day; Effect An infusion of vitality energy from your relic can temporarily animate an unliving object. You transform an adjacent inanimate object into an animated object with a level equal to one-half the relic's level and appropriate to the object (so a broom would become an animated broom). The object pursues a single simple noncombat task you state when you use Bestow Life, ignoring any subsequent commands. The object is mindless and pursues the task single-mindedly and in an uncreative manner. The object remains animated for 1 hour.

Healing WaveMinor Gift

Healing Vitality 
Source GM Core pg. 315 2.0
Aspect life
Activate [two-actions] (concentrate); Frequency once per hour; Effect You release a wave of vitality energy in a 15-foot cone. You and each living target in the area regain 1d4 HP per level of the relic.

Overflowing LifeMinor Gift

Healing Vitality 
Source GM Core pg. 315 2.0
Aspect life
Life force flows through you, and vitality energy causes your vital essence to burst through your skin like beads of liquid light. You gain an item bonus equal to half the relic's level (minimum 1) to the Hit Points you recover from healing vitality spells; this bonus applies only the first time per casting that a particular spell heals you.

InextinguishableMajor Gift

Source GM Core pg. 315 2.0
Aspect life
Your connection to life force makes you more difficult to snuff out than others. You die from the dying condition at dying 5, rather than dying 4. If you roll a success on a save against a death or void effect, you get a critical success instead.

Vitality SiphonMajor Gift

Healing Vitality 
Source GM Core pg. 315 2.0
Aspect life
Activate [reaction] (concentrate); Trigger An ally within 60 feet regains more Hit Points than it is currently down via a targeted healing vitality effect without a duration; Effect Your relic acts as a relay for vitality. You or an adjacent willing creature regain a number of Hit Points equal to the amount in excess of the triggering creature's maximum Hit Points; for instance, if the triggering creature was missing 5 Hit Points and was targeted by a heal spell that restored 12 Hit Points, you or an adjacent willing creature would regain the remaining 7 Hit Points.

Life EverlastingGrand Gift

Healing Vitality 
Source GM Core pg. 316 2.0
Aspect life
Activate [two-actions] (concentrate); Frequency once per day; Effect Massive amounts of vitality energy surge forth. For 1 minute, you emit vitality energy in a 10-foot emanation centered on you. At the end of your turn, you (if you are living) and allied living creatures in the emanation regain 10 Hit Points. If you or an allied creature would die due to an increased dying value, you can Dismiss the activation as a free action to prevent the death; if you do, their dying value doesn't increase.