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Secrets of Magic / Book of Unlimited Magic / Pervasive Magic / Creature Adjustments

Occult Adjustments

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 219 2.0
The creature gains the occult trait and can cast a single innate spell from the occult spell list once per day. Use the creature's level (see the table below) to determine the spell's level. Use the spell DC and spell attack roll on the table if the creature does not already have those statistics

Creature LevelSpell Level (Statistics)Suggested Spells
–1 to 2Cantrip (DC 15, attack +7)Chill touch, guidance, ghost sound, shield
3 to 41st (DC 18, attack +10)Bane, charm, fear, grim tendrils, ray of enfeeblement
5 to 62nd (DC 21, attack +13)Darkness, false life, paranoia
7 to 83rd (DC 23, attack +15)Enthrall, haste, slow
9 to 104th (DC 26, attack +18)Confusion, phantasmal killer, suggestion
11 to 125th (DC 29, attack +21)Abyssal plague, black tentacles, crushing despair
13 to 146th (DC 31, attack +23)Feeblemind, repulsion, spirit blast
15 to 167th (DC 34, attack +26)Mask of terror, visions of danger, warp mind
17 to 188th (DC 35, attack +27)Maze, mind, spirit song, uncontrollable dance
19 to 209th (DC 38, attack +30)Telepathic demand, unfathomable song
21 or higher10th (DC 42, attack +34)Alter reality, fabricated truth