Harpoon Bolt
Item 4This Item may contain spoilers from the Outlaws of Alkenstar Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Uncommon Conjuration Consumable Magical Source Pathfinder #179: Cradle of Quartz pg. 77Price 15 gp
Ammunition round;
Bulk —
This iron spike can be fitted into the barrel of a two-handed
firearm that doesn't have the
scatter property with an Interact action. The spike is attached to a 50-foot-long coil of rope held in a simple spool that can be attached to a weapon's barrel. The weight and awkward balance of the bolt and its spool reduce the
range of the weapon by 10 feet when fired. A creature hit by a
harpoon bolt takes normal damage from the shot and must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save. On a failure, the
harpoon bolt becomes lodged in its body.
Once a
harpoon bolt is lodged, a creature can remove the harpoon bolt with a DC 18 check to
Escape or
Force Open, but on a failure, the creature takes 1d4 piercing damage. As long as the
harpoon bolt remains lodged, the creature can't move more than 50 feet away from you. You can attempt to
Trip a creature by tugging on the rope attached to the harpoon bolt, even if it isn't within your reach, but if you fail this attempt, the bolt rips free, causing 1d4 piercing damage to the target but releasing it from the bolt. If you reload, drop, or fire the firearm again, the creature is no longer limited in its movement. Once a
harpoon bolt is removed from a creature, the bolt, its rope, and the spool all decay away, consumed by the same magic that empowers the unusual ammunition to function in the first place.