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LashtailItem 9

Uncommon Huge Mounted 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 116 2.1
Price 1,500 gp; Ammunition segmented chain (4 gp, 5 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 7 feet long, 15 feet wide, 8 feet high
Crew 3-5; Proficiency martial
AC 23; Fort +21; Ref +13
Hardness 18; HP 64 (BT 32); Immunities object immunities
The lashtail is named after the segmented chain that the weapon sweeps in a horizontal arc. The chain links are thick and flat, which look somewhat like scales, and linked together to resemble a great dragon’s tail. The chain is stretched against a spring-backed launcher. When released, the lashtail swings the chain outward, typically aimed to take down stampeding animals approaching on foot.

Aim [two-actions] rotate 45°

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 3 times, requires a successful DC 26 Athletics

Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 120 feet) 8d8 bludgeoning, 30-foot cone, DC 25 Reflex. A creature that fails its Reflex save is off-guard until the end of their next turn. On a critical failure, a creature is instead knocked prone by the chain.