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CatapultItem 7

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 75 2.0
Price 650 gp; Ammunition stones (0 gp, 4 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 10 feet long, 10 feet wide, 6 feet high
Crew 2-4; Proficiency martial
AC 20; Fort +15; Ref +8
Hardness 10; HP 60 (BT 30); Immunities object immunities
Speed 15 feet (pushed or pulled)
A sturdy wooden frame holds the spring-loaded beam that gives this weapon its power. At the end of the beam, a bowl-shaped wooden recession holds the payload, typically heavy stones. The arm is winched back to create torsion, until the release is pulled to abruptly swing the arm forward and fling the payload.
Aim [two-actions] 50 feet, minimum distance 50 feet
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check
Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 150 feet) 5d10 bludgeoning, 10-foot burst, DC 22 Reflex